Activity #18: Research Virtual Environment and Python package manager

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Activity #18: Research Virtual Environment and Python package manager

How to Create and Use Virtual Environments

Create Folder and type CMD in search bar

Create a Virtual Environment: In CMD, run the following command in your terminal to create a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
  • This creates a folder (venv) containing a Python interpreter and a separate package directory.

  • Activate the Virtual Environment:


After activation, your terminal prompt changes, indicating the virtual environment is active.

  • Install Dependencies: Install packages using pip, and they’ll only be available in this environment:
pip install package_name

  • Deactivate the Environment: When done, simply deactivate it by typing:

Best Practices: Managing Dependencies

To ensure that your virtual environment is not uploaded to GitHub or other cloud repositories, follow these steps:

Use .gitignore to Exclude the Virtual Environment: Create or edit a .gitignore file in your project root and add the following line:


This prevents Git from tracking your venv folder, keeping your repository clean.

Generate a requirements.txt file: To save all dependencies, run:

(Make sure the Virtual Environment is activated.)

 pip freeze > requirements.txt

This file lists all installed packages with their versions.
